Saturday, May 18, 2019

2019 Winning Entries for the 4th Annual "Just So" Stories Kipling Awards

The winners of the 4th Annual Kipling Awards were announced today at a ceremony at the Latchis Theatre in Downtown Brattleboro, Vermont. Susan McMahon, Executive Director of the Naulakha property of the Landmark Trust, USA,  welcomed the crowd of over 50 parents and students and explained the educational mission of the Landmark Trust.

British novelist and Nobel Prize winner Rudyard Kipling built and  resided at Naulakha with his family from 1892-1896. Kipling wrote  The Just So Stories, Captains Courageous, The Jungle Book, The Day's Work, and The Seven Seas at this house.

Vincent Panella, spokesperson for the six judges, encouraged the students to continue writing:

Writing is an expression of both logic and the imagination. You can write just for yourself, which is a great way to clarify what you’re thinking; but you can also write for a reader, and if you do that – as in this Kipling exercise -  then in a way the writing isn’t yours, and the trick is to bring the reader along on your journey. [Read his full remarks here.]

Sylvia North of the Academy School in Brattleboro was the winner of the Grand Prize, for her story, How the Ladybug Got Her Spots. 

The Grand Prize is a one night stay at Naulakha  for her and her family.

The Second Prize went to Lee Parker of Saxtons River School ( Loretta Rose, teacher) for his story, How the Skunk Got Its Stink which is a stay in the Naulakha Carriage House.

The following students were finalists in the contest. Please follow the links to read their entries:

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