Saturday, May 12, 2018

2018 Kipling Award Fiction Winner-Desmond Grace, Academy School, Andrew Speno, Teacher

How the Sloth Got So Slow

A long time ago my best beloved, there was a sloth. This sloth was ruler of all the jungle. All the animals bowed down to this almighty sloth and nobody argued with him. The almighty sloth could order all the animals around like ants tending to their queen. For instants, the almighty sloth could order the monkey's to get him fruit from the trees or the pelican to get him water from the ocean. Oh my best beloved, the almighty sloth never got out of his throne. If it rained the giraffes would have to hold palm leaves above him. if it was quite hot the almighty sloth would order the elephants to spray him with cold water.

One day they felt rather annoyed that the almighty sloth could order them around like he did. Then all the animals made a plan. This plan would get the almighty sloth to get out of his throne and make him fend for himself. They would poke, bite or peck him when he wasn”t looking so much he would have to get out of his throne.

The next day they put the plan into action. First the parrot bit him and when the almighty sloth looked she quickly flew away. Next the monkey snuck in and bit him. When he turned the elephant slapped him with his trunk. They kept doing this until the almighty sloth finally got out of his throne! All the animals cheered and the monkeys swung onto his throne. The sloth felt hungry so he told the animals to get him fruit but they refused so he had to do it himself. But he hadn’t moved in such long time that he was very, very slow.

And that, my best beloved is how the sloth got so slow.

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