Saturday, May 12, 2018

2018 Kipling Award Finalist: Maeve Bald, Academy School, Kate Rabideau, Teacher

How The Whale Got Its Tail

In the islands and water that nobody knew there was a whale,and on that particular day a whale swam by. Then the stingray said “that little stub is so ugly.”

“Is not”protested the whale. Then the fish swam by “Brook cant help it “said the fish.
“But it's so sooooooooo ugly. said the stingray  “well the don't look at it”said the fish “fine”said the stingray so the stingray swarm of.

Then the very next day a jellyfish said “that stub is just not prettyĆ¢€
“don't listen to anybody that thinks that your tail is ugly”said the fish. This went on for days and days and days.

Then one night the whale asked the fish “is my stub really that ugly.”

“No way”the fish replied then one night the fish said “we should do something that shows that your stub is not ugly”said the fish so they thought and thought and thought.
Then all of the sudden the fish said “I have the best idea ever. I can pull your tail and make it long”.

“I will try anything”said the whale so the fish pulled so so so so hard that the tail broke in a v shape. So the fish called his brother then they each pulled so so so hard, the tail started to grow longer and longer and longer.


The very next day the whale spanked all of the animals that made fun of his tail.

The End

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