Saturday, May 12, 2018

2018 Kipling Award Finalist: Noah Gagne, Academy School, Kate Rabideau, Teacher

How the turtle got its shell

In the twisty, turney land lived a turtle, a very curious turtle that asked a lot of questions.

That turtle was very unique because of his sticky, gluey back. One day turtle went to the rocky beach to ask the old sailor a question about sailing. The turtle said to the old sailor “Are you a bad sailor.”  “No! said the old sailor.

 Then at that that moment the sailor flipped the turtle on its back and a lot a rocks got stuck on him because of his sticky back. Thirty years later the rocks formed together and formed a shell.

Then the turtle went to fox to ask a question. However fox was upset and he bit the turtle not knowing that the turtle had that shell. The shell had chipped a tooth. “Oww,” said fox. Then fox ran away.  “Maybe this shell is not so bad,” said turtle.

And that is how the turtle got its shell.

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