Saturday, May 12, 2018

2018 Kipling Award Finalist: Elijah Cummings, Academy School,Anne Moore-Odell, Teacher

How the Lizard Got His Scales

How the lizard got his scales A long time ago in the valley of Fongo and before zebra and giraffe, there lived a lizard. And I will tell you about him. This lizard I speak of is a greenish brown and very daft. And so, our story begins. One day lizard was crawling along looking for something to eat. Ever so often he would catch something but he soon got tired. He said to himself, “It is a very hot day out and I am very very hungry!” Well, on this very day Chip the chipmunk was digging a hole.

Chip the chipmunk, was a very strange creature that lived in a hole, he saw lizard. He said to lizard, “Why so glum lizard?”A swarm of flies had gathered around Lizard but he shooed them away instead of eating them. Lizard replied, “I am ever so hot and hungry. I don’t know what to do.”“Well,”said the chipmunk, “I think I know where you could cool down and have dinnerĂ¢€. “Really?”said lizard. “Sure!”said the chipmunk. “In a river down the mountain you will find some fish.”“But how will I catch them?”asked lizard. “Well, that is entirely up to you,”said the chipmunk. And he left quick as a wink. As lizard clambered down the mountain he came to a big oak tree. He decided if he was going to catch fish he needed a net. He scraped the thin bark of the tree off and wove it into a net.

The net was very badly woven and full of gaps. For as I said before he was small-brained. When he got to the river he laid the net in the water and started to sing his song. Fish, Fish, Fish Swim downstream Into the net So I can eat He kept on singing his song but no fish would come. “Why won’t the fish swim today?”he said to himself. He decided to look upstream and he saw a dam made of sticks and logs. “That dam is blocking the river and the fish can’t swim downstream!”Well, even though lizard was mad he was curious. He went upstream to the dam to inspect it. When he got there he knocked because he did not want to barge in. A very grumpy beaver popped his head out of a hole in the dam. “What do you want?”he shouted. “Well,”said lizard, “I want to go fishing and this dam is blocking my way.”“I will move it if you do me a favor,”said the grumpy old beaver. “And what is that?”said lizard. “I want you to catch me a fish and scrape all the scales off and give them to me,” he said. For he liked shiny things. Lizard agreed and he went to catch a fish. Getting over the dam took quite a long time because the dam was so big. He had not noticed that there was a path going alongside the dam for he was dim-witted. When he got to the other side of the dam, he saw it had very dirty water and scraggly trees. He thought it was very ugly.

Lizard saw a school of fish. He was starving so he tried to catch two fish. After a while he had caught 1 fish but not two. He scraped the scales of the fish of and ate the meat leaving only the bones. To make sure the beaver moved, he shined the scales with the river water until they sparkled like the sun. By this point he had entirely forgotten why he wanted the beaver to move the dam, why he wanted to fish and what the scales were for.

As lizard was walking back he thought “Why am I holding these scales?”He said, “I guess I’ll leave them in this log near the river.”He left them under a rock and kept on walking. He went to the dam and he forgot why he was there. He decided to go find the scales. When he got to where the scales were the log had rolled into some mud and the scales had fallen out. The scales were covered in mud and lizard hadn’t noticed them. He was so hot from walking back and forth so he decided to take a mud bath in the mud. He rolled around and the scales got stuck to him. He didn’t notice the scales until later when the sun had dried the mud.

And so, to this day you will see lizards with brown and green scales from the mud. 

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